These days, more and more parents are becoming concerned about the fitness of their kids. This is not surprising given the problems of childhood obesity and the increasing weight and lack of fitness that we are seeing in children. Child obesity and diabetes levels are rising dramatically. There is also the issue that many parents feel, which is that schools are paying less attention and devoting less time to physical education than they used to and that children's activity levels are reduced as a result. All of this comes at a time when there is more television and video game distractions than ever that are tearing children away from the more physical activities that they would have once engaged in. To combat these trends, there are a number of activities and routines that parents can encourage their children to take part in, and can use to increase the activity levels and fitness of their children.
The most important thing to remember with kids is that you will want to make the fitness routine fun. Trying to use guilt or shame to get over weight kids to be more active is likely to back fire and bring their confidence levels down even lower. The other point to remember is that the kids need not even realise that they are being encouraged to exercise more and you can simply slip the activities into their lives without them even noticing. One easy way is to get the kids walking more. You may live close enough to their school to walk, or even cycle. This is a very easy way to sneak a little activity into their lives without them even noticing.
You can also walk to other places like shops. Another very good idea for younger children is to buy a dog. While this will not be possible for everyone, it is an excellent excuse to have to take a walk every day and it also makes the task a little bit more fun and less mundane. You can also plan fun activities for the weekend like roller blading, swimming, cycling, hill walking or ice skating.
These activities are great fun and can be used to basically bribe kids into excercising. It is also a good idea to let the kids bring their friends to these activities as once they are involved in something with their friends, and they get a routine, they are much more likely to encourage each other and keep it up for longer.
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